Updated last: June 7th, 2023. 

Our Privacy Policy is quite simple, as we do not sell your information. The only information we do collect is strictly to process orders, keep in contact with you, or to improve our website. We operate in accordance with GDPR and UK GDPR as well as California and Virginia Privacy regulalations.

Things we collect:

- Name

- Shipping address

- Phone number

- Email address

- Social media logins

-   Username & Password (for our website)

- Payment information

- Location

Cookies are used to help us with analytics on our website showing how our website is found and where our biggest number of visitors are. You have the option to opt out of cookies at any time. We will not place cookies on your devices to personalize ads. At any time you may request if we have any of your data, by emailing us at General-Inquiry@twinlee.org. However it is unlikely that our search for your data will retrieve anything as we only keep most of your information just long enough to process your order. Things like your first name, and email address maybe kept longer to email you in the future. If you have questions about our policy or want to know more you can contact us as any time at General-Inquiry@twinlee.org